Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Getting good at saying goodbye

Well it is another post too early in the morning where I am saying good bye to yet another Vietnamese city. This time it is Hanoi, which I found out means "city within the River". Like many places it is the last day that you really come around. I must admit I wasn't impressed with Hanoi when I got here because almost everyone is a rip off merchant. But after being here for a few days, I understand the charm that Hanoi is reputed for.

Yesterday was an interesting and jam packed day. We were off bright and early in the morning to go and see Uncle Ho (Ho Chi Minh to the uninitiated) which was cool but kinda creepy. The man has been dead for 40 years but he is that well preserved that he looks like he is having a nap. The Muesoleum itself is a grand, roman like structure that is surrounded by guards. As a matter of fact, there are guards everywhere in the complex, and one step in the wrong direction and they get their whistle on. Considering that you are only allowed to go in one direction, I got whistled at a fair bit.

The rest of the day was pretty much wandering the city, trying to find certain shops people had told us about. This turned out to be more difficult that first expected as it is like the Mad Hatter's Tea party- at the drop of a hat everyone has changed places! And there is no concept of copyright here so there are clones, upon clones, upon clones of everything- from travel agencies to enire hotels. And they are quick little buggers- The "New Moon" movie has been available to purchase for at least a week now

Our night finished with the famous water puppet show. It is like punch and Judy in a pool. It is very intersting, they are very talented... all of this is true but Mum and I had previously had a few drinks and ended up having small naps during the performance. I kinda wished we didn't because it is a great show, but that Asian folk music gets mere everytime (or maybe it is the Tequila)

So we are off to breakfast to expand my increasing waistline, but for the first time in my life I really don't give a s***. This trip has truely changed my life, my perception of myself and my relationship with my mother. I am truely, no bulls*** happy.

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