Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hanoi Hustle

We have finally made it up to the Capital of Vietnam after a few brief stops in Danang and Hue. Both were interesting places to say the least, and somewhat evil because you can get Jose Cuervo 60ml shots for about $1.50... Don't even ask me how I went!

But we had a great time doing more sightseeing in Hue- Temples, Pagodas, Forbidden City- still interesting in their own way but after a while and 1000 temples later, they start to lose their appeal. One memorable stop was the Thien Mu Pagoda, which was the home pagoda of the monk which set himself alight in the 60's protesting against the governement at the time. The Austin motorcar that was in the background of that famous photo is even there, which seemed a little out of place since it is a operating temple of buddist worship. Of course, Mum and I do things a little differently and decided to walk there- just over 8km return trip. With slight drizzle and huge puddles on the road, the locals though we were crazy. Some of the travellers we met later on thought we were crazy too for walking. But hey- Crazy is just what we do.

On the way home, Mum was getting a little itszy because she decided to wear new shoes for our adventure so I started up a game of I spy. We were near a park when mum said "I spy with my little eye something beginning with P" I then looked up to see some guy sitting on a motorcycle wanking himself off. "Is it penis?" I said. Totally gross at the time, but funny now

Danang doesn't have much to see so mum and I did what we do best- Lushed out and got manicures, pedicures, massages etc. One of the best afternoons I have had here in Vietnam.

So we are now in Hanoi, were I have truely had my swagger on- walking out into the street without looking, giving dirty looks to the drivers that honk at me. Mum and I walk around like we own the streets. But after a while you have to be like that or you will get run over. It is funny watching the new tourists freaking out trying to cross the road. Mum saw this woman in a cyclo today, crippled with fear and all she would move was her eyes. It's probably not cool to laugh at this people- but who cares HAHAHAHAHAHA. We have already seen Hoem Kiem Lake which is radioactive green and is home to the fabled Golden Tortoise. There is stuffed version of one that died in 1968 which weighs 250Kg and is 2.1m long. Looking at the water they are meant to be living in, I understand where the idea for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles came from.

Now it is time for us to head out again and explore Dong Xuan Markets and the rest of old town, and maybe fit in a water puppet show tonight. So goodbye for now and I will put up some more photos soon xoxo

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