Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cambodia- "Or Kohm"

Well we has entered the final day of our times here in Cambodia and the experience has been one to remember. Mum and I have seen the floating villages and flooded forest of Tonle Sap Lake, ridden the bamboo train and prepared traditional Khmer food in Battambang, seen the wonder of the temples in Angkor, and experienced all the sights and sounds that Siem Reap has to offer.

The most rewarding experience was none of these adventures, whilst they are all imprinted in my memory. Mum and I have volunteered for the last two days just outside of the Siem Reap province, teaching underprivileged village children how to speak english and aiding Mr Ross, a local with a big heart, in building a new class room for the students. The children there were such treasures, so eager to learn and so grateful for us just being there. Mum was on such a high after our first night that she was positively buzzing and plotting how to get dad over here as she feels that she might have just found her purpose in life. Their beautiful faces will be the fondest memory I will have of Cambodia.

Through the project and on our travels through the Cambodian country side we have had the opportunity to meet a host of amazing people from all around the world- Yo from Japan, Jackie from Minnesota, Phillipe from France, Shima from Switzerland, Warren from China/California/Japan, Allone from Israel and the vivacious Miss Lousia from Singapore, just to name a few. So a big shout out to you all and thanks for all the memories!

So we wave goodbye to sleepy Siem Reap and the 50 cent beers on Pub Street and leave our quaint little bungalow behind for the amazing Ho Chi Ming City and the beginning our Vietnam adventure. Until then...

P.S. "Or Kohm" is Khmer for Thank you

1 comment:

  1. Oh that's incredible guys... How did you stumble on to the volunteer job? I would love to do that, what an amazing thing to do..
