Thursday, November 26, 2009

We are in Mui Ne, it must be Wednesday

Hello and greetings from the chilled out beach town of Mui Ne Beach, on the South Central Coast of Vietnam. We left the big smoke of Ho Chi Ming City on Wednesday morning and on a impulse jumped off the bus here instead of going to Na Trang as originally planned. And I am soooooooooo glad we did

Mui Ne (Pronounced Moo-nay) Beach is a beautiful beach town that hugs the South China Sea. Here it is either all go or complete inertia- its up to you. There is kitesurfing, jetski-ing, scuba diving amongst other adrenlin water sports, or there is the beach lounge on the dark golden sand with a book and a mojito. After the crazy hype of Ho Chi Ming City, Mum and I chose the later, with no regrets.

It took most of the afternoon even to relax after being in Ho Chi Ming City, but after the could cover came and brought much needed shade and breeze, the muscles started to relax. Then a dip in the warm inviting waters of the South China Sea, I really got into the swing, or should I say sway of this place. Mui Ne is a place that wakes up late and parties late, many of the bars opening at 10pm and free drinks at 11pm. And the seafood is to die for. Mum and I sat in this little open restaurant. Well it was chairs outside on the beach with tables, but the food was AMAZING! You pick out our seafood, which may make some people squemish as it is alive, but it is so fresh and absolutely delish. We had four crabs and about a dozen prawns, bbq or grilled to perfection, all for about $25.

Then we retreated to our bungalow which is right on the beach, where we can here the waves lazily slapping the shore. As much as I had eaten myself into a food coma, I had to chill out just to let to all the food digest. But before too long the soothing sounds of the ocean took me away where I had the most peaceful rest of this whole trip.

Today we went with the local flow, chilled in this little cafe that encourages you to put your feet up on the couches, get coosy and chill out with your favourite book for as long as you want. And the breakfast was amazing- broken eegs in a clay pot with chorizo, capsicum and other goodies that puts Huevos Rancheos to shame. Thne we headed off to another cooking class where we made Pho Bo (Beef Noodle soup), Seafood Salad served in a pineapple boat, Mui Ne Pancakes with prawns and bean sprouts, Fresh Rice paper rolls with Pork and Ear Mushrooms and finished it off with Coconut Smoothies and fresh Rambutans (which is pretty much Lychees).

I have been so relaxed here that I am almost asleep and I bid you "adue" to hit one of the bars on the way home and have a refreshing cocktail and check how mum is going with her book. Tomorrow we resume our journey to Na Thrang, yet another beach location, but much bigger that Mui Ne. From there I plan to visit Monkey Island and chill out with, you guessed it, a whole heap of monkeys.

Until then my friends, Stay safe and happy xoxox

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