Saturday, November 14, 2009

Miss Saigon Welcomes us

We have finally made it to Ho Chi Ming City- the land of hawkers, Saigon Bia (Beer) and knock off heaven! It has been a whirlwind two days where mum and I have manage to get across these crazy roads without having any close calls (we we had one each on the first day, but considering what you would call a close call here, we have been doing well)

This place is amazing and is growing expedientially. When Mum came here 4 years ago, the International airport was nothing more than a tin shed and runway admist bomb shetler ruins. Now it is a shmick airport that no westerner would even look twice at. And not just the start of the changes. Mum had told me that at the airport taxi drivers will grab you, takes your bags and put them in you car to ensure they get your fare- and then you haggle to make sure you don't get ripped off too much. So I had my backpack and every possible clip fastened around my body, looking like an over anxious mountainer... only to be appraoched by a friendly vietnamese face before I even got out of the terminal offering me a prepaid taxi coupon and a sim card to use here in Vietnam, all for around $17 in total. I felt a little silly to say the least.

Then we were off into the crazy world that is Viernam traffic. Together with the cars, buses, taxis, bikes and 100 times as many electricity cables running along the energy poles than you would ever see in Australia, my eyes were as big as saucers. Mum was amazed how much the traffic conditions had changed- yes they were still Kamekase drivers, but now most of them were wearing helmets. I felt for the poor girls here too. In a bid to keep their skin fair, they cover themselves head to toe, wear gloves, face masks and glasses in this dense humidity. I guess no matter where you are in the world, beauty is never painless!

As soon as you get here, you end up finding a pub because beer is really the only thing that takes the edge of the balmy weather- and it costs you about a dollar. Cocktails are maybe $3 which makes Mermaids at home seem most expensive place in the world to get a cocktail. Max and I had three each before we left and spend about $90.

And as you can imagine, the food is AWESOME! We Had BBQ last night which was on the roof of the local pub/cafe. It had the best view of the district and something that we take for granted hre in Australia- A breeze! The BBQ was embedded in the table and the waiter cooked all the food for you whilst entertaining you. And you have to get over here to try it because words can not explain how good it was. We had BBQ long beans and Okra, "special Goat" with Soya cheese sauce (which is strong but very tasty) and prawns with chilli and salt. Like I said, you have to try this stuff. The funny thing was, half way through the meal, you host told us why the goat was special- it was the goat's "boobies" as he put it. What can I say- "I lika tha boobie"

We have got a load of CDs, DVDs, knock off Gucci sunnies and a range of other goodies which some of you can expect as pressies when we get home. And Jada, I have been sussing out that chanel bag you wanted so don't worry. And if you let me know what size shoe you are, there might be a little something extra in your christmas stocking...

Well au vior (there is a strong french influence here in Vietnam) we are off to Cambodia tomorrow to check out the temples of Angkor Wat and Thom. When I can figure out how to get our photos up you will be the first to see them!

Signing out for now Tahnee xoxox

1 comment:

  1. Hey there ladies!! Sounds like your having an awesome time... hit the ground running did you? haha... Don't worry babe, I'm not fussy, any knockoff will have me happy as a hen.. (oh and size 8... just in case.. hehe)Can't wait to see your next blog entry, stay safe chickens! xooxooxo
